La 'Cara B' de la actualidad espacial (Blog anteriormente conocido como 'Un dragón en el garaje')
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    Inicio > Historias > Star Blog - Episodio 2 - El Retorno de los Frikis
    Star Blog - Episodio 2 - El Retorno de los Frikis 2006-04-12

    Pues nada, después de un año sabático vuelve este blog a la carga. Como sabéis que me absorbe todo el tiempo, en este caso retorno con una idea: hacer noticias breves o muy breves. Toda la temática del blog será ‘espacial’ y me centraré en comentar historias o rumores del mundillo espacial, estén confirmadas o no.

    Todo lo que se rumoree sobre el futuro de alguna sonda o algo relacionado con la astronáutica será colocado por aquí de forma breve y por supuesto sin nombrar las fuentes. Nada será oficial y en muchas ocasiones no se habrá oído hablar anteriormente del tema. Y por tanto muchas veces el tiempo nos dirá que era mentira. Básicamente será un lugar para el rumor de lo que ‘podría ser’ o de lo ‘que se dice que puede ser’.

    Por tanto, si quieres estar informado de lo que se cuece en el mundillo espacial deberías visitar este blog a menudo. O lo mismo sales más desinformado de lo que entraste, pero eso ya es otra historia.

    Enviado por Pedro_Sondas a las 10:58 | 359 Comentarios | Enlace

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    De: rvr Fecha: 2006-04-12 12:06

    Rebienvenido ;)

    De: Pedro_Sondas Fecha: 2006-04-12 18:50

    Gracias Victor, espero durar al menos 1 año jejejee

    De: Paulino Fecha: 2006-04-12 18:51

    Hola pedro, solo quería decirte que me tienes aquí para lo que desees humaniticamente hablando. Como uno de mis mejores amigos, te tengo mucho aprecio desinibizado como ya sabes.

    Te prometo que comentaré y sintetizaré todos y cada uno de tus post pseudoanaliticamente para enriquecer y marcarizar una vez más la ciencia del ser humanico

    De: Bultza Fecha: 2006-04-12 18:52

    Un abrazo pedro!, me alegra saber que vuelves a la carga, supongo que fernando y yo te hemos picado el gusanillo jjeejeje

    De: F3rn4nd0 Fecha: 2006-04-13 01:00

    Se te echaba de menos en el panorama blogueril. Aunque tu ausencia ha estado más que justificada.

    Se te leerá con atención!

    De: Mizar Fecha: 2006-04-13 19:56

    Será un placer volver a leerte en el blog...que en Sondas ya lo hago ;-)

    De: Jesús TD Fecha: 2006-04-14 15:07

    Felicidades por el nuevo alumbramiento, Pedro.
    Seguro que servirá para iluminarnos como bien sabes hacerlo.

    Buena suerte para este nuevo Blog y muchos éxitos. Estaremos atentos.

    De: Rafa Fecha: 2006-04-15 00:38

    Suerte en esta nueva etapa, Pedro. Te leeremos con atención.

    De: Pedro_Sondas Fecha: 2006-04-15 12:16

    Gracias a todos, espero poder actualizar el blog de una forma decente XD

    De: RALASO Fecha: 2010-10-18 05:09


    De: Arturo Moran Fecha: 2015-01-12 19:02

    felicito a este Blog, todo lo que sea ciencia mi admiracion , des de méxico. Saludos

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 06:19

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 06:25

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 06:33

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-14 06:34

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-22 06:09

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-22 06:16

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-22 06:18

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    De: hp printer setup Fecha: 2019-03-25 06:43

    Set up your HP printer for a USB cable connection to a Windows computer. To get the most supported features from a USB connected printer, install hp printer setup the full feature HP driver.

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    Looking for solutions to install hp printer ? Easily install it in your pcs, laptops, desktops, etc with proper technical support from here - install hp printer.

    De: install printer hp Fecha: 2019-03-25 08:00

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-25 08:03

    office setup is the best programming which is broadly utilized in globe .It is an amazing administration that encourages you release your best thoughts , complete things, and remain associated on the go.for more subtleties visit: today.

    De: office setup Fecha: 2019-03-25 08:08

    office setup is the best software which is widely used in globe .It is a powerful service that helps you unleash your best ideas , get things done, and stay connected on the go.for more details visit:office setup today.

    De: Fecha: 2019-03-25 08:13

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    De: Fecha: 2019-03-25 08:25

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    De: Aol Login Fecha: 2019-03-29 10:27 - Learn how to fix common problems singing into AOL Mail. Most of the issues are forget AOL password, AOL login, aol sign up etc. but don't worry just visit our website and call our technician.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-01 11:33

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    De: Fecha: 2019-04-01 11:34

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    De: kaspersky total security Fecha: 2019-04-01 11:36

    Kaspersky Total Security knowledge base contains the information on how to install, activate, and update the product and where to download virus-fighting utilities. We use cookies to make your experience of our websites better. By using and further navigating this website you accept this.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:45 - Microsoft Office setup is a complete package of productivity suite open for professional, educational, and personal use. is visited once you have bought your Office Setup Product is where you enter your product information to setup office.

    De: mcafee activate Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:51

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    De: Office my account Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:55

    Do more with OneDrive and Office 365 Create polished documents, unlock insights, present with clarity, and collaborate in real-time using Office 365.

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    De: Office my account Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:56

    Microsoft makes collaboration easy. Open and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with anyone, anywhere, for free when you sign in to your Office account.

    De: Office my account Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:57

    Install office setup 365 with our help. Now setting up your account will be a cakewalk with us.

    De: mcafee activate Fecha: 2019-04-02 08:59

    Activate mcafee antivirus with the highly professional tech team and get rid of antivirus from computer

    De: mcafee activate Fecha: 2019-04-02 09:00

    Install mcafee antivirus in your computer with high class professionals and best tech team. Just ring us and we are ready to assist you till the last minute of installation -

    De: Office my account Fecha: 2019-04-02 09:01

    office it the package of office tools to make your working smooth and effective.Get it downloaded in your computer with the fast help.

    De: Office my account Fecha: 2019-04-02 09:02

    Get the application suite and as per your need and see how it is easy to work with Office.

    De: office setup Fecha: 2019-04-02 09:03

    office setup is the best software which is widely used in globe .It is a powerful service that helps you unleash your best ideas , get things done, and stay connected on the go.for more details visit:

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-03 07:30

    MS Office Setup is the full suite of Microsoft limit programming that joins a blend of jobs, affiliations, and server like Excel, PowerPoint, Word, OneNote, Publisher and Access. Close to the working structures, these endeavors are Microsoft's key things that are everything seen as utilized programming on the planet. Microsoft Office Setup bundles all the best programming that Microsoft passes on to the table.

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    De: kaspersky totoal security Fecha: 2019-04-03 07:31

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    De: Fecha: 2019-04-05 12:42

    McAfee is one of the leading American antivirus security software company which secure devices from different malware, viruses, and other cyber threats. McAfee claims to be one of the largest security company technology company which provides comprehensive security protection to the users and used by millions of users across the country. For downloading, installing, and activating and enter 25 digit alpha-numeric product activation key code.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-05 12:56

    McAfee dependably works to perfection of protecting you from various infections, malware, online dangers, and digital assaults. It is the finished, precise, or helpful antivirus security programming. Figure out how to download, introduce, and enact activate without making a mistake. Inspire help for how to enter 25 digit alphanumeric item key code.For more information visit

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-05 13:02

    Microsoft Office is providing complete cloud-based productivity package across the globe. Get single solution for downloading, installing, re-installing, and activating it by using 25 digit alphanumeric product key code from The alphanumeric code is used for activating the Microsoft office. Get assistance for Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 365.

    De: mcafeeactivate Fecha: 2019-04-08 07:47

    McAfee Activate security software provides the most simple, reliable, and efficient means for users across the globe to ensure the protection of their data, device, and identity as they navigate their digital devices.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 09:02

    Microsoft Office often releases its latest updated version of its applications and productivity suite, and every latest update comes with various amazing and advanced features for the benefits of the users. Also, Microsoft provides a complete cloud-based productivity suite to fulfill the requirements of office and home users. To download, install, and activate, connect with the Microsoft expert team and avail optimum benefits. Learn how to easily enter 25 digit alphanumeric product activation key code and easily activate it. Get assistance for Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 365, etc.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:23

    Get one stop solution with Norton antivirus security software and secure your devices from various types of malware and cyber attacks. It is easily available in the market or over the internet. A user can easily purchase it from the retail store or direct from the official website Get assistance for downloading, installing, re-installing and activation Norton antivirus. For activating the software, you need to enter 25 digit alpha-numeric product activation key code and successfully activate the software into your device.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:33 - In the era of digitization where we are sharing our personal as well as professional life on the internet, we need some effective protection system as well. Keep this in mind, McAfee has launched a series of security system and application for both personal and business use. However, if any issue takes place while exploring features of Mcafee, get in contact with the team of professionals for 24/7 support. A team will sort your queries at There should be no option to say deny the usage of Mcafee.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:34 - Garmin Express is an application developed by the company to register, update, and install all the Garmin devices. It is a desktop application which you can install on your Mac as well as Windows computers. if any issue takes place while exploring features of garmin express, get in contact with the team of professionals for 24/7 support. A team will sort your queries at There should be no option to say deny the usage of garmin.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:42 - Microsoft Office is the necessity in today’s era. Not only professionals but, kids are also using it to complete projects. However, if you are facing any issue regarding Microsoft office, feel free to visit to get 24/7 support. Professional technicians will fix those issues within a couple of minutes.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:44 - Norton, one of the largest security products providers, has made it quite easy to protect your computer system from malicious online activities, viruses, Trojan horses, scams and other threats. By installing a Norton setup to your device, you can be sure of the privacy of your important files as well as confidential information.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:45 - Norton is the superior device which is excellent for the protection of device and the data. However, if any issue takes place while exploring features of Norton, get in contact with the team of professionals for 24/7 support. A team will sort your queries at There should be no option to say deny the usage of Norton.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:46 - Norton is now a well-known security company that has been collaborated by many big brands to more security. You must have seen the name of the Norton offering security websites and more. Norton offers an all-around protection for your devices including smartphones, PC, Mac, and tablets. In order to know more, you can visit and check the services and products offered by the Norton. Other than that, you need to sign in to Norton in order to use their services and manage the subscription at one place

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-08 11:47 - When it comes to antivirus and security application for their computers, many users choose Norton Security. Norton has a wide range of software that can be used on multiple devices. Furthermore, you can also purchase different products for different use such as business use or personal use. Along with the security application, Norton has launched a number of utility application for PC and Smartphones. This Norton utility offers more smart use of your device in terms of memory, processor, and battery. You can visit to check a number of products and services offered by Norton

    De: Office Service Key Fecha: 2019-04-12 09:31

    I need help to paste a javascript link as an image of an article. How do i do that?

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-13 13:48 - Garmin Express is a product which enables you to update, and deal with your Garmin gadgets. You can update, edit, register your Garmin gadgets just as match up the information with Garmin interface.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-15 11:47

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    De: HP Printer support Fecha: 2019-04-16 07:17

    HP Printer Support - Check out the official HP printer customer support number here! Call the helpline number to get the resolution of HP printer printing, spooling, ghosting, networking connectivity, and other errors.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-16 08:54–Download,install,setup an account or manage
    Go to and create account or login if you are an existing user
    Enter your Norton product key in the field and submit
    Your product will be displayed on the screen, click and download
    Click and open the Norton setup

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-16 14:02

    Microsoft is the full suite of Microsoft limit programming that joins a blend of jobs, affiliations, and server like Excel, PowerPoint, Word, OneNote, Publisher and Access.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-17 07:10

    Setup Office and Work Wonders with Office
    Sign In to Microsoft Account and Setup Office 2019/365 or any other version of Office .
    Best Regards -

    De: 3830 Fecha: 2019-04-18 08:55

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    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 07:35

    On website , sign in. And If you are not signed in with the Office account, then click on Sign in and create your account with Office Setup.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 07:36

    Office Setup suite has been developed for both Windows and Mac operating systems and now it is accessible on iOS and Android OSs as well. Visit for buying the genuine productivity products of Office Setup according to your need.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 07:36

    The Office apps are not only user-friendly but they also contain built-in help tools which can be conveniently accessed. If you wish to get Office setup for your official or personal use, go to

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 07:37 - When students have to submit a book report, then go to Microsoft Word and make the report. Similarly, when an employee has to make the income and expenditure statement, he uses Microsoft Excel for computation and management of data.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 09:09

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    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 09:10

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    Activate mcafee antivirus with the highly professional tech team and get rid of antivirus from computer click here for more details.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 10:42

    Powerful, lightweight, integrated protection for PC, Mac and Android, cloud-based Webroot Internet Security Complete with antivirus protects personal information by blocking the latest malware, phishing, and cyber-attacks. Visit to install webroot antivirus in your pc.

    De: Fecha: 2019-04-22 10:46

    Discover full episodes of original series, movies, schedule information, exclusive video content, episode guides. HBO Go is a TV Everywhere service offered by the American premium cable network click here for more details.

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    This lean, mean, green machine is packed with vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting compounds, and the fiber essential in any diet. Though all members of the cruciferous vegetable family are super-duper healthy, broccoli stands out for its exceptionally high levels of vitamin C and folate (which can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke) .

    De: Hydralyft Fecha: 2019-08-08 16:44

    Vitamin C is the superstar of this superfood. Just one cup of these red beauties satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin C (74 milligrams per day for women, 90 for men)! Studies suggest the antioxidant helps build and repair the body's tissues, boosts immunity, and fights excess free radical damage. And the vitamin C in strawberries could help promote healthy eye function .

    De: Masszymes Fecha: 2019-08-08 16:45

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